This quilt top was hand pieced by my Grandma Alma Wilson.  She was a single mom of 4 children during the Great Depression and she pieced this quilt top to pass her time and relieve stress.  It is made of 1930 flour and grain sack fabric.  Classic 1930 material!  My aunt Edna gave to top to me and I hand quilted each of the stars 21 years ago while I was pregnant with my son Solomon.  Many hours spent sitting on the floor in front of my quilt frame quilting away.  My aunt Edna was able to have a Quilting Guild hand quilt the diamonds once Solomon was born.  These ladies finished the quilting in 1 day and put the binding on.  They were so excited to finish this quilt because most of them remembered having dresses and bloomers made from the same original fabric.  My Grandmother was given the quilt, completed, on her 80th Birthday.  My Aunt gave the quilt to me this past year and I am enjoying it.
 You can look for old quilt tops at garage sales, vintage stores, or in your grandma's attic.  Bring them in and Jewell and I will quilt them up!  Someone spent so much time piecing these old quilt tops, they deserve to be finished.  We love to see your projects finished and you will too!
