"X Marks the Spot" Water Color Batik Wall Quilt

This square quilt is perfect for hanging on the wall or a table topper for a  medium accessory table.  
It measures out to be 37" x 44" and has a lot of 
Intersection X's 
that creates this piecing pattern.
Loaded onto our Computerized Statler Stitcher Long Arm Quilting Machine.  I baste the entire quilt onto the quilt frame.  This makes it easier to ensure the quilt is Squared Up on all sides and will end up being the correct even shape when it comes off the frame.
I chose Elegant Feather for this quilt.  Because there are some many patterns going on in this quilt and it has all straight lines in the piecing, I usually pick a stitch pattern with curves to soften the lines in the quilt top. This tends to compliment the stitching to the pieced pattern.  I also wanted to enlarge the stitch pattern for a more Open Stitch.  Some quilts require a tighter, filled in stitch size for the quilt, but here, since the watercolor-batik fabric is already so busy, I didn't want the fabric and stitching to both be busy.

 -The close up of one of the squares that measures out to be 11" x 10.5" for each square.
-There is an above picture that shows the backing fabric and the stitch pattern can be seen as a larger view of how the pattern joins together to display the feathering swirl.
-A closer look at the backing and Feather and swirl.  I chose a sage green thread to blend the design of the patterns and to blend with the top-fabric choices.
-Last is the over-all view of this quilting project. Nicely Done!
