Blowing Leaves Quilted Table Topper


If you look at the rolled backing at the top of this picture, I chose a neutral print with 1030's Sun Bonnet Sue on it.  I think she is adorable,  She represents an era of time where quilting was a common activity and an escape from hard times during the Great Depression. 

I enhanced the view so the stitch pattern shows up better on the Sun Bonnet Sue backing fabric that I used. Since the front of this quilt is squares with hard straight lines, I usually pick a stitch pattern with lots of curves and circles to off set the harshness of the quilted pattern.

This is a view of the backing with the binding fabric at the left.

Above is the finished quilt on the table in my living room with the back side flipped over to view both sides.

To give perspective to the size of the quilt, here is the front of my quilt, with my supplies that I used to hand stitch the binding on.  I think this view gives a size perspective to this quilt project.

Here is the left side of the quilt with one of my favorite Cobalt Blue Bowls on it.  The agates in the bowl are from the Oregon Coast.  Gleneden Beach Oregon, to be exact.  We have a little cottage there and walk the beach when the tide is out, to hunt for agates.  Then we come home and tumble them.  It is a 4 1/2 week project to get them all polished up and then they just look amazing!

So, here is the finished quilt!  I have this antique style table in front of the large window in my living room.  I wanted to protect the top of the table so I measured out the fabric and binding and it turned out perfectly!  I have my favorite Narnia Chess Set on the table and it fits just perfect.  You can also see my front yard that we turned into a  Front Yard Garden.  We can come home at the end of the day, cut our lettuce leaves, pick tomatoes, snap peas, have a lovely salad with dinner!
